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3/16/17, 2:20am  |  Post #501
Posted: 3/16/17, 2:20am  |  Post #501
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Four men were bragging about how smart their cats are. The first man was an Engineer, the second man was an Accountant, the third man was a Chemist, the fourth was a Government Worker.

To show off, the Engineer called to his cat. "T-square, do your stuff." T-square pranced over to a desk, took out some paper and a pen and promptly drew a circle, a square, and a triangle.

Everyone agreed that was pretty smart. But the Accountant said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said, "Spreadsheet, do your stuff." Spreadsheet went out into the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He divided them into 4 equal piles of 3 cookies each. Everyone agreed that was good.

But the Chemist said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said, "Measure, do your stuff." Measure got up, walked over to the fridge, took out a quart of milk, got a 10 ounce glass from the cupboard and poured exactly 8 ounces without spilling a drop. Everyone agreed that was good.

Then the three men turned to the Government Worker and said, "What can your cat do?" The Government Worker called to his cat and said, "Coffee Break, do your stuff." Coffee Break jumped to his feet, ate the cookies, drank the milk, peed on the paper, assaulted the other three cats, claimed he injured his back while doing so, filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions, put in for Workers Compensation and went home for the rest of the day on sick leave.
Doesn`t Coffee Break resemble someone familiar?!

:orglaugh :thumbsup /images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/16/17, 10:57pm  |  Post #502
Posted: 3/16/17, 10:57pm  |  Post #502
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Once again alb is lying. There is NOT 180 million unemployed Americans. Although there might be if Obama had a THIRD term. And it IS POSSIBLE for over 90 million Americans to be on welfare and totally dependent upon the government, but you refuse to believe that. The good news on that subject is that because of Trump's actions so far, that number is already starting to come down a bit and some of those who were on the welfare rolls are starting to work again. It is coming down a little, but at least that is a start in the right direction. I wasn't weeping during debate you moron, everyone else was. They didn't know how to respond to my arguments and were stunned to silence because I had prevailed in the debate so effectively. I know that's true because I WAS THERE, YOU WEREN'T. So don't presume to know exactly what happened when you weren't even there you moron.
There are millions of Americans who can't afford health insurance because of Obama's ACA, NOT BECAUSE OF TRUMP. You must be blind. I'm sure glad the majority of Americans don't think like you do, and don't believe the lies. Democrats are the topic and it's relevant to talk about them because they are trying to stop Trump AT EVERY TURN. If they weren't trying to do that, I wouldn't even bring them up. But they along with the biased media LIE constantly, twist the truth, and make up conspiracy theories. So i WILL talk about Democrats also, as it is relevant to what is happening.
I HAVE presented FACTS, you just simply refuse to believe them. I also talked about recent history but you refuse to believe that.
The New York Times, I should say again, CANNOT BE TRUSTED. They put articles on the FRONT PAGE that should be on the Opinion section instead. (I know this because I read articles I couldn't believe were published in that paper that were so biased it would make your head spin.) The owners of that paper are very liberal Democrats, the publishers of the paper are very liberal registered Democrats, and the editors are also. Put two and two together, and it makes sense why their articles are so liberal. It's an opinion piece through and through. It is their mission to effect and shape public opinion, and that's been their goal for a long time.
It looks as though there will be an investigation into Trump's wiretapping claim. If there's evidence there, they will find it. Also it looks like they will investigate the claim of the Russians "hacking" the election. But I'm sure no evidence will come up with that one.
Arch you certainly DO go off on tangents to avoid the main points I am trying to make. You don't even want to address the main points I make, probably because you disagree with them. You're going to dispute the FACT that Democrats had control for a lot longer than the GOP? YOu're going to dispute the fact that Democrats HATE losing power and if they lose that power, they get p1ssed and angry and throw tantrums? It's obvious to see.
The Democrats DID control Congress during Eisenhower's presidency, and if you say they did not, you are lying. They kept that majority power status in the US House constantly all the way through 1995. LBJ continuously worked with a Democrat Congress when he was in power. Same with Carter. Clinton had a Democrat Congress for his first two years, and Obama also had a Democrat Congress for his first two years. These are FACTS that you shouldn't deny but you do anyway.
Tell me I am lying about that. You can't.
If Trump had broken all of his promises and not tried to do what he is attempting to do now, I would be one hundred percent against him. I would hate him just like you obviously do. The fact is, he has KEPT his pledges and promises and he is trying to do the right thing on every subject. Including attempting to keep us SAFE with his travel ban orders. Apparently some judges want us to be attacked by terrorists again. /images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/16/17, 11:22pm  |  Post #503
Posted: 3/16/17, 11:22pm  |  Post #503
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Dick Head (damn now he knows what RC stands for) about your fucking worthless "FACTS" you said:

"You're gonna tell me my statement that the GOP only had total control of the government TWICE since the 1920s, and the second time just recently? You can't tell me that because you know it's the truth."

YOU even said it could not be proven false. It is false and I have proven it FALSE, and other then ignoring the FACT you LIED and have been caught you have not and cannot back up your alternative FACT. That is your problem YOU believe all your FACTS are TRUE when most are FALSE. All I am asking is for you to prove these statements you said could NOT be proven FALSE, can be interpreted as true.

You even said agian: "Tell me I am lying about that. You can't." I agree we cannot because even when we do prove beyond all doubt (see above) you just ignore the proof and keep believing in LIES and blather on and on and on...

So as of now you have been PROVEN to have lied so, lets see your PROOF those statements are right (lets get these first 'cannot be proven wrong statements' settled before we bother to move on to the next one) So prove these three statements I challenged you to PROVE earlier or again STFU. Stop changing the subject with your wining "But I won a debate, I was talking about...(blablabla) that does not matter I lied" YOU claimed these were true, I proven they are lies, so if you next post does not address these statements that will be your admission they are LIES, address this or accept you have been proven to have LIED.

Man up and prove your statement you picked it by saying it could not be proven FALSE. Otherwise why should we believe ANYTHING you said you have been proven to be a liar and cannot backup what you said.

oh and stupid Alb said he made up that number./images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/17/17, 2:36am  |  Post #504
Posted: 3/17/17, 2:36am  |  Post #504
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Spurt this is all very simple ... if you back up your claims with qualified evidence we have no other option but to accept what u say, which I am happy to do if you provide the appropriate evidence. To date you have made claims and statements that are totally unsubstantiated, they are purely your opinions and here say, which just does not cut it. I am totally open to having my mind changed but to date you have given nothing that would make me think any other way than I do. Go on give it a go .. find the evidence .. not just I'm right and ur wrong thats a p1ss weak argument for a DEBATING CHAMP!/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

Addison Johns
3/17/17, 5:18pm  |  Post #505
Posted: 3/17/17, 5:18pm  |  Post #505
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Coming up soon , Merkel vs Trump! Can`t wait to read Squirt`s comments ':evil'
/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/17/17, 7:42pm  |  Post #506
Posted: 3/17/17, 7:42pm  |  Post #506
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I have already stated that Merkle made a huge mistake accepting all of those refugees. She should NOT have done that, and Germany is suffering because of it. Thankfully with Trump, we will NOT do that.
Now YOU STFU, DICKHEAD SHIT FOR BRAINS arch. You have NOT PROVEN I LIED. You obviously ignored everything I wrote in my previous post. Why do I have to keep repeating what I say? You're not smart enough to understand what I am saying? Evidently not.
One Democrat President I forgot to mention in my post was JFK. He was a good president, but that example also proves my point about the Democrats (NOT THE GOP) having total control of the government. The few years JFK was in office, he wasn't working with a GOP Congress. He had a DEMOCRAT Congress. YOU are ignoring basic history. It is history, meaning it actually happened and it's truthful, that the Democrats had total control for much longer than the GOP did.
So when you tell me I lied, what you are saying is the opposite of what I said is true. Ok, lets see then.....according to YOU the Republicans had control of Congress for the entirety of the administrations of JFK, LBJ, Carter, ALL of the Clinton years, ALL of Obama's term, and even ALL of Reagan's term. IF you believe that, YOU are believing LIES. Because that did NOT HAPPEN. Call yourself the liar that you are, NOT ME.
You are living in an alternative universe if you believe the GOP had total control for a lot longer than the Democrats. And you keep ignoring the point I was always making in the first place, that the Democrats have absolutely NOTHING TO COMPLAIN, WHINE and BITCH ABOUT. But they whine and bitch anyway and are angry when they don't get their way. You're probably one of them. You're a Democrat who is angry that they don't have control now, and you take your frustration and anger out on me by calling me a liar and talking to me the way you do.
You certainly can't say I wrote lies in my previous post, because you know I didn't.
Also, I was going by information that YOU SAID IN THIS VERY THREAD, when you stated yourself that there was ONE Independent in the Senate in the 50s. I was taking you at your word. It is simple reasoning that tells you if there are an equal number of Democrats and Republicans and one Independent, then the Republicans DO NOT HAVE TOTAL CONTROL. They have an equal number as the Democrats do. So what I said was correct, and i was going by information that YOU stated in this thread.
But once again, even that is a side issue and evidence of you going off on a tangent to avoid the damn point I WAS MAKING. How many times do i have to make it?? That the Dems had a lot more control for a lot longer than the GOP in government. Don't go on all these irrelevant rabbit trails to avoid the truth of what I am saying. You always do that.
I don't know if you really ARE open to changing your mind on anything Kert. So far there is evidence that that cannot happen. EVERY point I bring up, every argument I make and every example I give you counter and argue against. Every time. I think it is because you have the liberal point of view on every issue and you're so grounded in it that there's no way to change your mind or thinking. I wouldn't expect you to know basic US history from my countering arch, but you do counter me on pretty much everything else.
/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/18/17, 4:12am  |  Post #507
Posted: 3/18/17, 4:12am  |  Post #507
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I have already stated that Merkle made a huge mistake accepting all of those refugees. She should NOT have done that, and Germany is suffering because of it. Thankfully with Trump, we will NOT do that.
Now YOU STFU, DICKHEAD SHIT FOR BRAINS arch. You have NOT PROVEN I LIED. You obviously ignored everything I wrote in my previous post. Why do I have to keep repeating what I say? You're not smart enough to understand what I am saying? Evidently not.
One Democrat President I forgot to mention in my post was JFK. He was a good president, but that example also proves my point about the Democrats (NOT THE GOP) having total control of the government. The few years JFK was in office, he wasn't working with a GOP Congress. He had a DEMOCRAT Congress. YOU are ignoring basic history. It is history, meaning it actually happened and it's truthful, that the Democrats had total control for much longer than the GOP did.
So when you tell me I lied, what you are saying is the opposite of what I said is true. Ok, lets see then.....according to YOU the Republicans had control of Congress for the entirety of the administrations of JFK, LBJ, Carter, ALL of the Clinton years, ALL of Obama's term, and even ALL of Reagan's term. IF you believe that, YOU are believing LIES. Because that did NOT HAPPEN. Call yourself the liar that you are, NOT ME.
You are living in an alternative universe if you believe the GOP had total control for a lot longer than the Democrats. And you keep ignoring the point I was always making in the first place, that the Democrats have absolutely NOTHING TO COMPLAIN, WHINE and BITCH ABOUT. But they whine and bitch anyway and are angry when they don't get their way. You're probably one of them. You're a Democrat who is angry that they don't have control now, and you take your frustration and anger out on me by calling me a liar and talking to me the way you do.
You certainly can't say I wrote lies in my previous post, because you know I didn't.
Also, I was going by information that YOU SAID IN THIS VERY THREAD, when you stated yourself that there was ONE Independent in the Senate in the 50s. I was taking you at your word. It is simple reasoning that tells you if there are an equal number of Democrats and Republicans and one Independent, then the Republicans DO NOT HAVE TOTAL CONTROL. They have an equal number as the Democrats do. So what I said was correct, and i was going by information that YOU stated in this thread.
But once again, even that is a side issue and evidence of you going off on a tangent to avoid the damn point I WAS MAKING. How many times do i have to make it?? That the Dems had a lot more control for a lot longer than the GOP in government. Don't go on all these irrelevant rabbit trails to avoid the truth of what I am saying. You always do that.
I don't know if you really ARE open to changing your mind on anything Kert. So far there is evidence that that cannot happen. EVERY point I bring up, every argument I make and every example I give you counter and argue against. Every time. I think it is because you have the liberal point of view on every issue and you're so grounded in it that there's no way to change your mind or thinking. I wouldn't expect you to know basic US history from my countering arch, but you do counter me on pretty much everything else.

That thing that germany suffers under refugees -where did you read that ? Same source as Sweden massacre ? Or bowling green massacre ? Or is it pulled out of your ass again ?
It is one of those things populists spread - without any real background. And as there are "fly over states" with lower education and higher unemployment in germany too - it's what the people there want to hear.
They read it and take everyhing they hear and like (does that remind you on SOMEONE here too?) as bare truth.
Everyone else but themself is responsible for their situation.
Germany has to pay for refugees - but germany also profits of them.
To you proofs: Noone here has seen them so far

/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/18/17, 8:00am  |  Post #508
Posted: 3/18/17, 8:00am  |  Post #508
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I have already stated that Merkle made a huge mistake accepting all of those refugees. She should NOT have done that, and Germany is suffering because of it. Thankfully with Trump, we will NOT do that.

What Merkel had to accept was people walking into the country by the thousands every day because of a mess that you in the US, safely across your ocean, helped create (and you can only partly blame Obama for this, it goes back to Bush en his starting a war with now follow up plan in place so creating ISIS in the process).
Germany (and surrounding countries)has issues for sure, but calling it suffering clearly indicates that you do not understand the European situation.

/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/19/17, 1:23am  |  Post #509
Posted: 3/19/17, 1:23am  |  Post #509
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I thinks RC's (Sex-spert) problem and ignorance is well displayed in is last post.

OK were to start with his problems. and look at the first part:
"So when you tell me I lied, what you are saying is the opposite of what I said is true. Ok, lets see then.....according to YOU the Republicans had control of Congress for the entirety of the administrations of JFK, LBJ, Carter, ALL of the Clinton years, ALL of Obama's term, and even ALL of Reagan's term. IF you believe that, YOU are believing LIES. Because that did NOT HAPPEN. Call yourself the liar that you are, NOT ME."

Here he is try to put words in mouth that I never said (go back an look at my post), I Never said the Republicans had control of congress during ANY of those times. What I said (and had to repeat over and over) is what YOU said about Republicans only have full control TWICE (emphasis yours) from the 1920's until today, and that could not be disproved. I have pointed out the FOUR times they did have control I even said I was not talking about how long any party controlled what when, just that your statement you said could not be FALSE, was in fact FALSE. Can you FUCKING understand that (sadly I know the answer to that is no). As to your point of who controlled what when I even tried to help you by pointing out a better way you could make that argument, but that also went over your head. So this is a prime example that shows sex-spert cannot read and understand a simple point.

He then rambles on about me believing in stuff he made up for me to believe in. So I will skip over the fantasy of a madman. On to the next point.
"You certainly can't say I wrote lies in my previous post, because you know I didn't." OH yes I can YOU have failed to PROVE anything I pointed out as false could be interrupted as true and I have given you three chance to try and defend them and you have not even tried. You just blather on. So it is FACT you have been PROVEN to have LIED, you cannot backup what you say I backed up the my argument with data you backup up yours with trying to say I said what I never did. So you are a LIAR. (This is now a tautology)

Next RC (Sex-spert) fails civics he provides us with more proof he does not understand:
Also, I was going by information that YOU SAID IN THIS VERY THREAD, when you stated yourself that there was ONE Independent in the Senate in the 50s. I was taking you at your word. It is simple reasoning that tells you if there are an equal number of Democrats and Republicans and one Independent, then the Republicans DO NOT HAVE TOTAL CONTROL. They have an equal number as the Democrats do. So what I said was correct, and i was going by information that YOU stated in this thread.

This is so funny you are arguing about government but yet you do not understand how the government work so here is your civics lesson you must have missed due to flunking out of school before 8th grade (it might have also even been on school house rock do not know).

When the Senate has a tied vote then the sitting vice president is granted a tie breaking vote. So if the house is split along party lines when determining the majority party the Vice President (in this case was Richard Nixon a famous Republican) would have been the tie breaking vote. So a house split 47R - 47D would have been settled by the VP who was a Republican ergo it was in Republican control. (boy does sex-spert looks stupid now well OK he did before but so funny he would keep posting this crap that proves to any one but him he has not clue.)
This also points out a second problem with RC (Sex-spert) he believe what he believes so strongly he will not go check out the presented data he will just keep saying he is right because if he read a fact that did not agree with his world view he will just call it false even when it is the official record of the US Senate.

then more rambling. ignored.

In summary.
I did not make any new argument I just said what you said was false and proved it was false you have been unable to back up your assertions with proof so again it is a tautology, you lied./images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/19/17, 3:35am  |  Post #510
Posted: 3/19/17, 3:35am  |  Post #510
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In Summary: Arch you are stupid. You only call ME stupid because you disagree with me on all the issues discussed. So, stupid dickhead, you have nothing better to do but name calling, and that's certainly an indication of your stupidity. Also, it's the most idiotic thing to do when you are trying to win an argument. Take it from the one who WON debates, it's the most immature, idiotic thing to do. I did not do name calling a single time when I won those debates, I just won them with clear, straight forward arguments and reasoning that they could not counter. I did not do what YOU do. So if you continue to call me stupid, I will continue to call you that also. You're talking about yourself, and you have no substance.
Apparently I have to explain simple logic and what I stated before to you. When I said SINCE the 1920s, I was talking about after the 1920s came to an end. The GOP had total control all through the 20s, but I was not counting those years. Their control abruptly ended in the 1930s.
I have ALWAYS BACKED UP my arguments with fact, you just refuse to listen. I WAS talking about which party controlled what, when but you have a problem with me talking about that. It IS RELEVANT for me to talk about which party controlled what when because it was the whole DAMN POINT I WAS MAKING to prove my argument. I mentioned party control a very long time ago because I was making that point which i have to repeat over and over and over again because you're too STUPID to understand it. I was making that point because it is relevant to what is happening in today's politics. Do the Democrats have a right to complain and bitch? NO. And I checked myself, if you still insist on going off on this tangent issue that is NOT the point....I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE GOP NOT HAVING CONTROL ALL DURING THE 1950s. I will prove it.
The GOP DID NOT HAVE CONTROL of the Senate for the entire year of 1953. The GOP had control of the Senate UNTIL late July, when Sen Robert Taft died suddenly. HE WAS THEN REPLACED BY A DEMOCRAT, not a Republican. The Democrats then had control of the Senate for the remainder of the year. The Democrats KEPT their majority for at least five months into 1954. 1954 was an odd year, where many senators died, mostly of natural causes, but some by suicide, and they had to continuously be replaced. That caused the balance of power to shift constantly. Sometimes the GOP was in control, other times the Democrats had the majority. The Democrats had the majority for six months that year, AND the Democrats gained complete control of Congress, BOTH houses, in the 1954 election.
You're going to argue against this history, even though it is FACT. But then that's an indication of your stupidity.
Considering the above factual information, I was actually wrong when I stated that the GOP had a total of 8 years of complete control over this long period of time. They didn't even have eight years of control. They did not have two years of consistent control in the 50s. That goes to prove my point and i was RIGHT. So while the GOP had total control for not even 7 years counting this year and next, the Democrats had control for OVER 20 years. DO THE MATH you moron and you will see my point is exactly right.
So while YOU flunked out of school in 8th grade, I graduated school with honors.
For the last time Alb you moron, TRUMP IS NOT A POPULIST. A populist is probably someone like Sen Rand Paul. And you KNOW Obama is the one who created the mess going on right now. We were winning the War on Terror in 2008, but then the asshole Obama came in and caused us to LOSE the war instead. ISIS exists now, in large part because of Obama. Now Trump has to try to clean up this mess that Obama left him. If you think all the refugees in Germany are a good thing for that country, you are truly a fool. But then I already knew you were a fool.
You clearly don't understand what's going on now, Yellow. And you know Obama did this. This is a result of his bullshit and his NONleadership. He just had his head up his ass and the world is paying for it.
/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/19/17, 5:00am  |  Post #511
Posted: 3/19/17, 5:00am  |  Post #511
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Classes people as stupid for resorting to name calling then proceeds to himself resorting to name calling.

This isn't pot calling kettle black but a kettle calling another kettle a kettle.

Direct plea to the admins to delete this entire thread. As it's as obvious as Donald Trumps bad wig that the thread has reached the point that will soon lead to Godwin rule happening.

*sits and waits the insults of a certain poster*/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/19/17, 7:56am  |  Post #512
Posted: 3/19/17, 7:56am  |  Post #512
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In Summary: Arch you are stu.......

Blablabla again .. I never met any bigger IDIOT as you - even not in virtual reality (again you were the first one insulting) .
You still argue and discuss as in kindergarden. You pull things out of your ass and present them as facts.
You have NOT proven a SINGLE statement of you - they still have the touch of your toiletpaper.

You and champ discusser ? No you are not - you are the dunce in the corner. Go and wear you hat with pride/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/19/17, 12:52pm  |  Post #513
Posted: 3/19/17, 12:52pm  |  Post #513
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RC you just do not understand you said at any time. you did not specify they had to be in control for the entire year, and the only part of the year they were not in control was from session open until the new congress was sworn in on Jan 20th until the end of the session. (the last four days it was tied 47-47 with the VP casting the deciding vote). So so you even said 1930 (not part of the 20's) 1953, during G.W.Bush, and today that is Four (can you count that high?) not TWICE. So there now you finally prove you know it is false but yet you still cling to it to be true like a drowning man to a live line. Fuck off you do not look up FACT, you do not understand how government works you are exactly what is wrong with the people who voted for Trump. Face it he blew sunshine up you ass you loved it and bought it. Now his budget will shove something up all of Americas asses and it is not sunshine. How about the thousands of US Veterans that depend on Meals on Wheels to get their food, oh and clean water is such a luxury. /images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/20/17, 6:02am  |  Post #514
Posted: 3/20/17, 6:02am  |  Post #514
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My prediction is that admin will NOT do what you suggest, Suggs, and they don't have to. Apparently Suggs is also a very liberal Democrat just like all the rest of them in this thread. (Or in his case, shall I say Labour? They are just as socialist as the liberal Democrats are in this country.) I know where your bias lies, right along with the bias in the media.
I just listed fact after fact after fact in my last post to prove my point about the Senate specifically. Some people can't handle that I have actually backed my statements up with FACT not fiction. I didn't make ANY of that information up in my head.
And it is NOT FOUR times as you claim. ANY year that ends in zero (0) is the TENTH year of that particular decade. Thus, 1930 was the last year of the 1920s. That's how it works.
And YOU FUCK OFF, twit.
The Democrats DID have majority numbers for the last few months of 1953, and six months of the following year, as I described in my post.
And again you are ignoring the point I was making like you always do. The Democrats are just bitter and angry they don't have control of anything now, and they are throwing tantrums like the ch1ldren they are. You know that since Obama's dictatorial reign, his party the Democrats have LOST OVER 1200 seats nationwide? It started in the 2010 elections. They lost governorships, state houses, state senates, other state election posts, as well as losing seats in BOTH houses of Congress. They see they are losing power and control everywhere, and it really p1sses them off to no end. OVER 1200 seats.
He's not shoving anything up anyone's asses, and he is in fact keeping his promises. I am glad he is doing this. We NEED tax cuts and tax reform, we NEED the spending cuts he is proposing, we need to have everything done that he intends to do. When was the last time you heard of someone who was elected actually KEEPING HIS WORD on everything??? That never happens.
I was NOT THE FIRST ONE INSULTING alb you moron. If I had been cursing at people and calling them names in the debate sessions, I would have been KICKED OUT and never let back in. I wasn't KICKED OUT, and won the debates in a civil manner. The way that people talk to ME in this thread, they would certainly have been the ones to be kicked out for good.
So you DUNCE (yes that is YOU not ME and there you go name calling again), I just thought of someone that you reminded me of. Alb, you are just like another European Socialist that I met in school who was a very arrogant liberal foreign exchange student. He was so arrogant it was oozing from his body like perspiration. The way he talked to people was just amazing to me. He wore a political button with the name of the Democrat candidate for president that went on to LOSE that year. I was laughing.
And another European socialist I knew comes to mind, someone I met years later. I told this HOLIER THAN THOU asshole about a very general situation that was effecting me personally in a very negative way. I didn't give him specific information, just a bare mention of what happened, but I should not have even done that. I regretted it. This arrogant asshole sat me down and begins to preach at me about how stupid, evil and WRONG I was in the situation. HE KNEW NONE OF THE FUCKING DETAILS OF WHAT HAPPENED but yet he considered himself to be the Jury, Judge, and Executioner ALL rolled into ONE. He condemned me to HELL and it didn't matter what I said. I was always wrong, always evil, and he didn't give me ONE chance to explain what actually happened or to defend myself. I was wrong in his eyes, and there was NO DEFENSE I could give. He wouldn't even let me give one. Never mind that each and EVERY one of my rights were violated, never mind that I was wronged beyond belief, never mind that I was LIED ABOUT. It didn't matter. This Holier Than Thou asshole was exactly like YOU, and I have NO respect for people like you, for obvious reasons.
/images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

3/20/17, 6:45am  |  Post #515
Posted: 3/20/17, 6:45am  |  Post #515
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Bit of advice sunshine, DON'T try and pigenhole me based on assumptions. Only thing i will say - you couldn't be wider of the mark on my political inclination if you was blindfold and spun round 20 times./images/_common/forums/emoticons/' }

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